IDE Configuration: Optimize Your Development Experience


A well-configured IDE (Integrated Development Environment) can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your PHP development workflow. In this Blueprint, we provide recommendations and configurations for two popular IDEs: Visual Studio Code and PHPStorm.

Visual Studio Code Configuration

The .vscode directory in your project root contains configuration files tailored for Visual Studio Code. These files help ensure a consistent development experience across your team and provide essential features like:

  • Recommended Extensions: The extensions.json file lists extensions that enhance PHP development, including:
    • PHP Intelephense: Provides advanced code intelligence, such as code completion, parameter hints, and go-to-definition.
    • PHP Debug: Enables debugging your PHP code within Vscode.
    • Other extensions: Explore the extensions.json file to discover other recommended extensions.
  • Workspace Settings: The settings.json file includes project-specific settings, such as:
    • Formatting: Configures code formatting rules to match the project's coding standards.
    • Linting: Enables linting to catch potential errors and style issues.
    • Other settings: Customize various aspects of your Vscode workspace to suit your preferences.
  • Debugging Configuration: The launch.json file defines launch configurations for debugging your PHP code within DDEV. Make sure to adjust the xdebug.client_port setting if you've customized it in your xdebug.ini file.

PHPStorm Configuration (Optional)

While the Blueprint primarily focuses on Vscode, you can also configure PHPStorm to work seamlessly with your DDEV project. Here are the key steps:

  1. Set Project Interpreter:
    • Open your project in PHPStorm.
    • Go to File -> Settings -> PHP.
    • Under CLI Interpreter, click the ... button to add a new interpreter.
    • Select From Docker, Vagrant, VM, Remote... and choose DDEV as the server.
    • Configure the connection details based on your DDEV setup.
  2. Configure Deployment:
    • Go to File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Deployment.
    • Add a new deployment configuration and choose SFTP as the type.
    • Configure the connection details to point to your DDEV web container.
  3. Install Plugins:
    • Install the DDEV Integration plugin from the JetBrains Marketplace.
    • Consider installing other relevant plugins like PHPStan, Psalm, and EasyCodingStandard for enhanced code quality and analysis.


By configuring your IDE effectively, you can create a more productive and enjoyable development experience. Whether you prefer Vscode or PHPStorm, the Blueprint provides guidance and recommendations to help you get the most out of your chosen IDE.

Additional Resources

Remember: a well-configured IDE is your ally in the quest for efficient and high-quality PHP development. Take the time to explore the settings and plugins available, and tailor your IDE to match your unique workflow and preferences.